Patients' Rights & Responsibilities

MetWest Surgical is committed to providing the best possible health care and outcomes for each and every patient.

We have a commitment to the Privacy Act and Principles and the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. An integral part of providing this standard of care is ensuring that patients are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Patients' Rights & Responsibilities
Download PDF - CM 1.6.2 Version 1 2022

Medical Records & Privacy

Presmed Australia Facilities (PMA) are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and other relevant laws about how private health service providers handle personal information.

We are committed to complying with applicable privacy laws which govern how PMA collects, uses, discloses and stores your personal information.

The Privacy Statement sets out in brief how PMA will handle your personal information. For further information or to receive a copy of our Privacy Policy, please ask a staff member, visit our website: or telephone the facility and ask to speak to our Privacy Officer. You can also write to our Privacy Officer to request more information.

PMA will collect your personal information for the purpose of providing you with health care and for directly related purposes. For example, PMA may collect, use or disclose personal information:

  • For use by a multidisciplinary team;
  • To liaise with health professionals, Medicare or your health fund;
  • In an emergency where your life is at risk and you cannot consent;
  • To manage our facilities, including for processes relating to risk management, safety and security activities and quality assurance and accreditation activities;
  • For the education of health care workers;
  • To maintain medical records as required under our policies and by law; or
  • For other purposes required or permitted by law.

Personal information may be shared between PMA to coordinate your care. We also outsource some of our services. This may involve us sharing your personal information with third parties.

We may outsource information and data storage services (including archiving or medical records) which may involve storing that information outside of Australia. Where we outsource our services we take reasonable steps in the circumstances to ensure that third parties, including organizations outside of Australia have obligations under their contracts with PMA to comply with all laws relating to the privacy (including security) and confidentiality of your personal information.

PMA will usually collect your personal information directly from you, but sometimes may need to collect it form someone else (for example, a relative or another health service provider). We will only do this if you have consented or where your life is at risk and we need to provide emergency treatment.

We will not use or disclose your personal information to any other persons or organizations for any other purpose unless:

  • You have consented;
  • The use or disclosure is for a purpose directly relating to providing you with health care and you would expect us to use of disclose your personal information in this way;
  • We have told you that we will disclose your personal information to other organizations or persons; or
  • We are permitted or required to do so by law.

You have the right to access your personal information in your health record. You can also request an amendment to your health record should you believe that it contains inaccurate information.

Charter of Healthcare Rights

These rights apply to all people in all places where health care is provided in Australia. The Charter describes what you, or someone you care for, can expect when receiving health care.

Charter of Healthcare Rights
Download PDF - ACSQHC October 2022

Communicating with your Healthcare Provider

Download this PDF produced by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care on what effective communication looks like and why it is important.

Communicating with your Healthcare Provider
Download PDF - Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Compliments, Concerns & Complaints

As part of our commitment to provide quality care the hospital welcomes all compliments, suggestions and complaints.

Complaints may be directed to the Day Surgery Manager:

Shannyn Egan
Tel: (02) 9672 1410
Email: [email protected]

or to:

Health Care Complaints Commission
Level 4, 28-36 Foveaux Street
Surry Hills 2010
1800 043 159 or the
NSW Department of Health,
Private Health Branch
(02) 9424 5955

Patient Engagement

Patient engagement is of utmost importance for improving the patient journey and experience.

What is an Advisor?

A patient and consumer advisor is someone who:

  • Wants to help improve the quality of our centre’s care for all patients and family members
  • Gives feedback to the centre based on his or her own experiences as a patient or family member
  • Helps us plan changes to improve how we take care of patients
  • Works with the centre for either short or long-term commitments, depending on the project
  • Volunteers his or her time

Patient and consumer advisors provide a voice that represents all patients and families of patients who receive care at MetWest Surgical.

They partner with centre doctors, nurses, and administrators to help improve the quality of our centre’s care for all patients and family members.

Why should you become a patient and consumer advisor?
  • When you or your family member were at our centre, did you think there were things we could have done better?
  • Do you have ideas about how to make sure other patients and families get the best care possible?

At MetWest Surgical, patient and consumer advisors give us feedback and ideas to help us improve the quality and safety of care we provide and act to improve patient engagement.

Who can be a patient and consumer advisor?

You can be an advisor if you or a family member received care at MetWest Surgical in the last 5 years. You do not need any special qualifications to be an advisor. What’s most important is your experience as a patient or family member. We will provide you with any other training you need.

What do patient and consumer advisors do?

If you are an advisor for our centre, you can help us in the following ways:

  • Become a member of the Consumer Engagement Committee. This Committee is scheduled annually as a representative forum for consumers to provide input and evaluation of the safe and effective delivery of care and services in partnership with PresMed Australia (PMA). Your role could enable you to:
  • Share your story. Advisors help by talking about their health care experiences with clinicians, staff, and other patients
  • Participate in discussion groups. Advisors tell us what it’s like to be a patient at our centre and what we can do to improve
  • Review or help create educational or informational materials. Advisors help review or create materials like forms, health information handouts, and discharge instructions. Advisors help us make these materials easier for all patients and family members to understand and use
  • Work on short-term projects. We sometimes ask advisors to partner with us in making improvements — for example, helping to plan and design our reception
Is being a patient and consumer advisor right for you?

Being a patient and consumer advisor may be a good match with your skills and experiences if you can:

  • Speak up and share suggestions and potential solutions to help improve our centre’s care for others
  • Talk about your experiences as a patient or family member – but also think beyond your own personal experiences
  • Talk about both positive and negative care experiences and share your thoughts on what went well and how things could have been done differently
  • Work with people who may be different than you
  • Listen to and think about what others say, even when you disagree
  • Bring a positive attitude to discussions
  • Keep any information you may hear as an advisor private and confidential
For more information about being a patient and consumer advisor:

To get more information about becoming an advisor at MetWest Surgical or to find out how to apply:

For appointments and enquiries please phone  02 9622 7667   or   02 9672 1410

Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm

17 Hereward Highway
Blacktown NSW 2148

    [email protected]
Fax   (02) 9622 7521

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